The BYOBottle Campaign engages artists, venues, festivals and fans to reduce plastic waste in the music industry by promoting reusable water bottles and water refill stations at music events. Make the commitment to BYOBottle and join the campaign. Explore these tips for engagement and rock your reusable water bottle on tour!
We commit to help reduce plastic waste in the music industry by traveling with reusable water bottles, including BYOBottle language in our rider asking venues to provide water refill stations, and sharing out the BYOBottle message to fans.

Make a COMMITMENT to BYOBottle!
- Educate your band & crew and join the campaign
- Outfit your band & crew with reusable water bottles
- Travel with bulk water dispensers on your bus for refill on the road

Ask venues/festivals to support your BYOBottle COMMITMENT:
- Include “BYOBottle” language in your tour rider
- Ask venues to provide water stations or dispensers to refill backstage
- Ask venues to allow fans to BYOBottle & provide water refill stations FOH

Share out your BYOBottle COMMITMENT with fans:
- Create branded reusable water bottles for fans to purchase (view Reuseable Vendor List)
- Rock your Reusable Water Bottle on stage & wherever you go!
- Share the #BYOBottle message on social media (view Communications Library)