Artist BYOBottle Communications Library

Explore these talking points to educate your band, crew and fans to get them on board with the BYOBottle campaign. Sample social media posts are provided here to make it easy to share out the BYOBottle message. Take your own photo or video rocking your reusable water bottle, or download one of these BYOBottle campaign graphics.
This Artist BYOBottle Communications Library Includes:
- BYOBottle Social Media
- BYOBottle Newsletter Content
- BYOBottle Inclusion in Tour Press Release
- BYOBottle Talking Points for Artists – to educate band & crew
Suggested language to be shared with a photo or video of artist/band with reusable bottles, or provided BYOBottle campaign graphics. Please include these BYOBottle social media handles:
Facebook: @byobottlecampaign / Instagram: @BYOBottle / Twitter: @BYO_Bottle
Shorter Social Media Posts for Twitter, Instagram or Facebook:
Longer Social Media Posts for Instagram or Facebook:
We are proud to join the BYOBottle Campaign engaging artists, venues, festivals, and fans to reduce plastic waste in the music industry by promoting reusable water bottles and water refill stations at music events.Recent press images have highlighted the shocking sea of plastic waste left behind after concerts and festivals, but momentum to promote solutions in the music scene is growing. Rock your reusable water bottle and help turn the tide on plastic pollution! Learn more about how you can take action as a fan at
(Insert Artist/Band Name) is a proud partner of the BYOBottle Campaign, a music industry effort to promote reusable water bottles and turn the tide on plastic pollution. The band has made a commitment to travel with reusable water bottles on tour, and has included BYOBottle language in its rider asking venues to provide water refill stations. Artists, venues, festivals and fans are joining BYOBottle to reduce plastic waste in the music scene.
We have signed on to the BYOBottle campaign, a music industry effort to reduce plastic waste, with a focus on single-use plastic water bottles. Recent press images have highlighted the shocking sea of plastic waste left behind after concerts and festivals, but we are committed to being part of the growing momentum within the music scene to turn the tide on plastic pollution.
We encourage all band and crew to travel with their own reusable water bottle on tour and to use them on stage to show our commitment to reducing plastic pollution. We now include language in our rider asking venues to provide water refill stations backstage so that we can easily refill. Thanks in advance for your participation and engagement. Together, we can take steps toward a more sustainable tour.